A Brief Overview of the Gambling Apes Project

The Gambling Apes are an extremely cool collection of 7,777 monkeys that have been outfitted in human attire. These unique monkeys share 120 unique traits. Some of them are wearing headphones, others have sunglasses, and some even have the Las Vegas Strip as a background. As you can see, these apes are all very different from one another, and their traits are also valuable on the open market. But before you invest in the coins, read this brief overview of the project to find out more.
The Gambling Apes team has shared their plans with the public via a public Trello board. Moreover, they are known to be transparent about their development, which is a positive sign. In addition, they are backed by a large and growing community, with 39,000 Discord members and 17,500 Twitter followers. These numbers show that the community is extremely interested in the Gambling Apes’ plans. Its cool artwork and gambling theme have made it a hit with its fans.
The future of Gambling Apes is uncertain, as many investors have feared the cryptocurrency will fall in value. The ICO’s success was a major boost for the company, and the company is working towards a full release in the next two years. While there are several hurdles, the ICO will be worth it in the long run. If you have been interested in gambling and want to participate in a crypto-powered casino, the Gambling Apes project is definitely a viable option.